God Expects
You Healed – Completed

“God’s Word is life to those who find them,
and health to all their flesh”

(Proverbs 4:22).

Rightly “see” — God is Life, richly alive, living in your spirit!  He expects you healed, completed in Christ!  Rightly “see” Almighty God alive in your spirit!  He completed you in Jesus to live healed, well.  Jesus is Healing!  Clearly God is smiling, living in you!  Jesus is Love!  God is your smiling, happy, Almighty good God — there is no other (1 Chronicles 16:34; 1 John 4:16).  Clearly God completed you, provided you His only Son Jesus, The Healer, Great Physician — for you — completely healing you!

This means if your body is diagnosed sick — God’s Great Heart always restores health to you.  God so loves you — He expects you to wildly live in Divine health — live in His Divine self!  God joyfully gave you His Beloved Son Jesus, to give you life to enjoy in abundance till your life overflows on this earth in Him (John 10:10).  This is really good!

Almighty good God never agrees for your body, mind, your thinking — your life to be a struggle, suffering, groaning in pain, sickness, disease, fear, despair, grief, lack!  He expects you live healed, completed, free!

Your healing, your health is so valuable to God that His Son Jesus, became the outrageous, wildest highest sacrificed provision for you!  Jesus did what no one dares imagine — or can dream.  For you He defeated sickness, diseases, death so you could rightly “see” Him  — follow Him richly now — forever live richly with Him in eternity. At Jesus’ wildest highest Love-Grace, He was —

1.   Humiliated, rejected, judged, beaten, tortured — smashed beyond ability to identify Him as a man — His life blood poured from His body —

2.   He completed your healing in 7 places — His Head smashed with thorns — His hands, feet nailed — His side, His heart pierced by a Roman slicing sword — His heart rupturing for you as His life blood and water poured

4.  Jesus literally took all your sickness, grief’s, sorrows, sins, pains — for you to now enjoy resting, living healed in Him by His Love-Grace, Mercy!  He completed you — all your wrongs forgiven, never remembered ever again 

From the Cross, to the pit of hell — to the Throne Room, Jesus and you — sat down together at the right Hand of Almighty Father God — to richly live now, forgiven, healed, completed — free forever. God made certain you were healed — completed!

In Jesus’ Name,
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