Prosperity Guaranteed
(Healthiest Faith-Food)
“Beloved, I wish above all things that you may
[that’s physical prosperity],

(3 John 1:2)

Godliness — “Living for God” —guaranteed prosperity!  Godliness not only guarantees protection — promotions — godliness also guarantees prosperity.

Naturally when you use the word “prosperity” — many people think only about the natural realm — financial or material prosperity.  And this prosperity is true also — but prosperity definitely means “to prosper in spirit, soul (mind, emotions, intellect, will) and body.”

Scriptures say in 3 John 1:2, your physical, material, financial prosperity solely depends on your spiritual prosperity.  When it comes to the natural realm — many people never see the Truth that — God expects them to prosper financially — by walking, living spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, socially — living in Divine health. They think, God wants to bless them spiritually, all right.   But then they think they may have to go through life financially poverty-stricken — living a barely-get-by — struggling life.

Beloved, but a struggling life is never God’s true way — in fact that is a lie straight out of the pit of hell!  We see the Truth, the facts over and over in the Word of God.   

         1.   2 Chronicles 26:5 says — “And he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God: AND AS LONG AS HE SOUGHT THE LORD, GOD MADE HIM TO PROSPER.”  Sought means — seeking God — seeking means — requiring God — as your most vital necessity!  Read up on all of this account in Scripture — you will discover that God is talking about material and financial prosperity.

2.   As you seek (require) the LORD — let’s understand — God makes you to prosper.  Joshua 1:8 confirms this saying the same thing —“This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in  it: for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.”

     We could paraphrase this Scripture verse like this — “This Word of God shall always be in your mouth; you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do [do the Word; don’t just be a hearer of the Word) according to all that is written in it: for then you shall make your way prosperous.”

Did you notice what God said?  He said YOU will make your way prosperous — that is your part.  Of course, God would be — is behind making your prosperity.  He’s the author of your prosperity.  But your part in doing is — your actions — your decisions — your attitudes — your willingness — your efforts — these determine whether or not YOU make your way prosperous.

You agree or disagree — you determine whether or not you prosper mentally or emotionally.  It is up to you whether you prosper on your job — in school — in relationships — in your thinking.  You get to choose whether you prosper financially — physically.  You get to choose — it is up to you!  Now, let’s understand — many things can try to come against you — but you have the final say in line with God’s Word for you for God to make you prosper!

I know you want to see a difference in every area of your life.  I know you want to make a difference in other people’s lives — godliness — “living for God” — is a key.  Living a godly life makes your way prosperous, and you will have good success—spirit and soul!

In Jesus’ Name,

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