Today’s Scripture “Then an angel of the LORD stood before them. (Luke 2:9)
Listen Close – Linger
Dear One, Frightened? Christianity! Jesus Born in one Big Heavenly Moment! Bethlehem shepherds knew all about moments! Their expectations — keep excitement low. Shepherds watch sheep. People talk about counting sheep to go to sleep! Shepherds know the predictable moments — they treasure the same ole, same ole. Their night shift duties came every night. Should any exciting happening moments occur — this would be very bad excitement — lions, thieves, hungry wild dogs. They expected this night to be calm! Father God had plans! Luke 2:9 says — “Then an angel of the LORD stood before them. The Glory of the LORD shining around them, and they became very frightened.” Has the Glory of God — His glorious good things ever shined around you — and you became very frightened? Sure! His Glory has shined on you, around you — and sure you felt fright! People naturally thinking, talking, living in the natural always assume the worst — way before looking for His Glory, His Best. Just remember back how many times you refused Almighty God’s Glory! — You refused His Best — fearing — you are not worthy of Him, fearing you are not worthy of His Love, His Goodness! You — feared the worst — fearing Father God Himself! The Bible says the shepherds lingered! It’s an amazing good thing the shepherds lingered! They could have completely missed God’s complete message — “Today your SAVIOR was born in the town of David. He is CHRIST The LORD” (Luke 2:11). Beloved today — linger every day to receive (take) in all Jesus’ Glory! Linger to receive (take) in all His Best Blessings! Do what the shepherds did! LISTEN CLOSE — LINGER next to your Beloved Father God Almighty — He extravagantly loves you with all His Heart! In Jesus’ Name,