Today’s Scripture
“But he that prophesies speaks to men
to edification, and exhortation, and comfort” (1 Corinthians 14:3)
Edification – Exhortation – Comfort
Dear One, The following is a prophetic word during a Bible study I was teaching on being led by The Spirit — “Look inside! Look inside your spirit. Your spirit is the candle, the lamp of the LORD — searching all the inward parts of your being. Searching so you shall know you walk in the Light, the Knowledge of what you know.” “You will say — ‘There is Great Light in me living. I am the Temple of the Holy Spirit. He lives in me. He enlightens my spirit. Yes, I walk living in His witness within my spirit. I do what I know by inward promptings. I follow the deep promptings in my innermost being spirit. I am led by The Spirit. I rejoice! I am thrilled. Yes — I speak out His praises forevermore.” “Yes LORD, I look to You. You live in me. You alive O God living in me is great potential of all You have — all You are! All qualities of You Father God Yourself live in my spirit! Your qualities are my qualities. You declared LORD — ‘I walk in them. I live in them. I AM their God. They are My people.’” Yes! Edification, exhortation, comfort! Blessings Flowing