First!  God’s Wild Faith comes!  First before your precious feet touch the floor from bed, set your day!  First, speak out His Joy, His Wild Love-Grace!  First, your focus sets on LORD God Almighty, on Jesus richest, miraculous Wild Love!  Father God — today — TWICE AS MUCH —   

Twice as Nice
(First thing daily confession for one week)

     LORD You said — “Return to your Fortress, you prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you” (Zechariah 9:12).  Thank You Father God for saying You restore twice as much to me!  I am Your prisoner of hope!  Thank You for reminding me to stay seated beside you in Your Great Throne Room Presence!

Father God Your Presence is my Fortress!  Thank You when circumstances feel difficult — You are my right thinking because wrong thinking lays down giving up easy.  Wrong talking agrees to lay down — put a heavy blanket of discouragement, despair over me!  Thank You for showing me — wrong thinking, wrong talking — wrong living must never happen.  Father, it is never Your plan for me to be wrapped up in discouragement, despair, defeat!

Yes Father I know You expect me so filled with Your Love — Your hope — Your expectancy — that believing for Your greatest, Your best — is all I know. Yes!  You have said I am Your prisoner of Your Hope!  As Your prisoner of Your Hope — I am locked away with Your Hope.  I never can get away from You (Psalms 139).

Father God I hear people talking who live as chained prisoners — chained to worry, fear — doubt, despair — saying defeating things like — “Nothing good ever happens to me.  I’ll never be free of this sickness!  Nothing is ever going to change.  Every day is just another bad, long — too long bad day — another bad week.”

Father — thank You for setting free all those suffering, chained to wrong thinking — wrong talking — wrong living.

LORD — thank You I expect every chain is broken today with Your Wild-Love-Grace!  I expect You minister Your Love, Your Hope to them today!  No matter how impossible things look — my attitude is — “All anyone needs — You have already met that need!  You LORD have already diligently worked all out for them — for me.”

Father, thank You for restoring double — twice as much to me — to us all who are  prisoners of Your Hope. Today — on behalf of Your richest love — I warm myself in Your blankets of richest Love!  Thank You for everything You have already done!  Thank You Father God Your Love keeps doing through me!

Joyfully, confidently I say with You today Father — “As Your over-comer — a long time — a short time — all shall pass.  Difficult becomes easy — Your victories are already done!  Yes LORD — Your twice as much restoration is always mine!”— In Jesus’ Name. Amen


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Box M
Burgin, Kentucky 40310